bed bug ostrich by Bed Bugs Limited of London

In 2011 a small group of elite bedbug specialists were having breakfast at a global bedbug meeting discussing why there was such resistance in people understanding bedbugs and we all came to the conclusion that they needed better PR. A few seconds later the Ostrich bug was born, later with the assistance of the eminent entomologist Lou Sorkin it was correctly classified as Cimex ridiculous.

First thought to be a mythical creature it can be seen in a variety of habitats from domestic settings to hotels and office buildings. Although aware of the dangers the Ostrich bug rarely sees a complaint coming until its too late because it always buries its head in the sand.

What to do if you encounter an Ostrich bug

If you encounter an Ostrich bug at any stage we advise that you seek refuge away from them as quickly as possible. While they feel safe with their heads in the sand, their actions can be quite toxic to others though inadvertently adding to the bedbug problem. Their lack of understanding can spread and disperse the issue through inappropriate chemical usage, infest others like a modern day “typhoid Mary” or simply spread inaccurate information about bedbugs.

The antidote is to seek accurate information and to educate those around you so they know how to avoid them. Recommended resources include:


Report a sighting

If you have been exposed to the Ostrich Bug and want to anonymously report the issue for our crack team of communicators to chase up on your behalf and make sure the culprits do not adversely affect others please use the our contact form.

Out reach program

With time and resources we will add newsletters and information sheets to help people identify and educate others about the growing problems caused by the Ostrich bug.