bed bug treatments, commercial for hotels and hostels by Bed Bugs Limited of London

Detecting bedbugs in your Hotel or Hostel can be extremely distressing to both your guests and staff, and could result in a major impact on the reputation and viability of your business, particularly since many guests evaluate and select accommodation after consulting online reviews for booking information.

The following section explains how we assist our Hotel and Hostel clients to resolving bedbug issues rapidly, safely, and guard their reputations. Many of our Hotel clients report a dramatic reduction in bedbug related guest complaints.

  • Fast and effective solution with minimal room outages
  • Protects your reputation and guests
  • Early detection to limits the impact of infestations
  • Guest support with the UK’s only dedicated decontamination facility
  • Cost effective and affordable treatments with no wastage of furniture or items
  • Backed by our Gold Standard Guarantee


The only guaranteed way to prevent bedbug infestations in a Hotel or Hostel is to close the doors and never have a guest stay again. Clearly this is not possible for any business and therefore like many business hazards and risks, organisations must learn to develop appropriate policies to manage and contain infestations if they occur.

Although no-one wants to think about dealing with bedbugs, it should be part of their job because it is a reality of the modern hospitality industry, in the same way that smoke/fire detectors are installed and emergency plans are prepared, in the hope that they are not needed.

Our aim is to help companies to develop procedures and practices that will help them to achieve the same level of protection and control with regards bedbugs.


Should your organisation suspect an infestation of bedbugs we will assess the problem and advise what needs to be done to get you back into full operational status as quickly and efficiently as possible. In many cases this is following the first treatment visit and within a few hours of arriving on site. However it should be noted that we specialise solely in bedbugs, consequently we are one of the few companies who will take on bedbug “nightmares” such as 100% infested Hotels however in these cases it may take a little time to clear.

Our reactive approach normally focused on non-chemical treatment because this has proved to be the fastest way to get a room back into service free from bedbugs, and does not require the disposal of any furniture, fixtures or fittings.


The full benefits of our service and knowledge come from our Pro-Active stance against bedbugs, achieved through the development of staff training, formal procedures, and passive monitoring. Once installed and operational this allows early detection of the introduction of bedbugs to a room, enables the problem to be resolved in a matter of hours, with no need to put the room out of service, and before any infestation can spread.

Simple 30 second once a week checking can keep you ahead of the problem and results in a sharp reduction in guest complaints due to bedbugs, something we are always pleased to hear.

  • 100% insecticide free
  • Superior 180 °C treatment temperature
  • Supported with organic residual product and Passive+ Monitoring
  • Fast most efficient results achievable
  • No loss in room availability in moderate cases
  • Fully documented processes and training manual
  • Training DVD available (English or Spanish audio versions already available)
  • Satisfies Environmental Health Departments
  • Double Quality Assurance for complete protection
  • Guest management templates

Guest Management

Should a guest become exposed to bedbugs while staying with you, it is important to make sure that all steps are taken to ensure that they do not carry the problem home with them when they depart. Since we commissioned our first facility in 2007 we have been able to provide a decontamination service which can prevent onward transportation. This service helps to ensure that your guest feels satisfied that everything has been done to make sure that all necessary steps have been taken to resolve the problem. We have actually found that, once they understand the issue, many guests would rather stay at a location with these disciplines in place than somewhere that does not take such a Pro-Active approach.

As acknowledged and verifiable experts in our field we work to diffuse tension that may be present so that you can get back to normal business as quickly as possible, thereby ensuring that your guest can put the issue behind them and get back on with enjoying their stay.

To learn more about our services for Hotels and how changing the way you think about bedbugs is becoming essential for the hospitality industry. Please visit our specialist micro site to find out more:

Detailed Services for Hotels

“One of my proudest achievements since forming this company was the day we realised that our ProActive system customers were no longer getting guest complaints due to bedbugs, after all there is no finer proof of principle than when something works in the field and you no longer need to rely upon less efficient more costly traditional solutions .”

David Cain PgCert, Bsc (Hons), ESQ Founder Bed Bugs Limited

Client Confidentiality

We always respect the confidentiality of our clients which is taken even more seriously with Hotels and Hostels which has in the past included using our reputation within the public health sector as the media to help protect theirs. We only travel in unmarked vehicles and do not wear bright uniforms or safety suits and certainly don’t raise unwanted attention. We only ask that you brief your reception staff as to our arrival so we do not need to stand around in reception waiting for anyone.

Health and Safety

All work is carried out to the highest standards of health and safety as evident from our membership to independent schemes. No work will be carried out until any infestation is confirmed and the extent of the problem has been identified and agreed with the appropriate manager.